Pengering gaya Eropa minangka salah sawijining model pengering plastik. Awak digawe saka baja tahan karat 201 utawa 304, lan logam kontrol uga digawe saka waja tahan karat. Pengering gaya Eropa padha karo pengering hopper. Model dibedakake kanthi volume: 12KG, 25KG, 50KG, 100KG, 200KG ... kabeh bisa entuk luwih saka 1000KG, suhu bisa nganti 180 derajat jinis suhu dhuwur. Pengering gaya Eropa iki cocok kanggo aplikasi ing industri sing mbutuhake transparansi lan presisi tinggi ing produk medis, optoelektronik, lan ibu lan bocah. Bahan sing garing banget resik lan ora ana perkara asing.
Do your want to buy classy and Easy-maintainable Pengering Gaya Eropa made in China? Jiusheng Machinery is definitely your good choice. We are known as one of the famous Pengering Gaya Eropa manufactures and suppliers in China. Our factory produces quality, durable and customized Pengering Gaya Eropa, which can be purchased at a cheap price. You are welcomed to contract us and buy Pengering Gaya Eropa with our price list and quotation. We have many kinds of products in stock for you to choose from, which are not only CE certificated, but also with 1 year warranty.